
Is Buying A House And Land Package Better

As well as this website we set up a Facebook pages with the view to get feedback and questions from people.

There are a lot of pages and groups on Facebook but here are two of the best;

The advantage of social media is we can answer questions that you want answered – not just tell you stuff that is of no concern.

Here is a questions asked today and the answer.

The Question;

Hi all, is buying a home and land package better or getting a section and finding the right builder to do it?

My Answer;

Great question – the answer is not so easy. Buying a house and land package is typically an easier option and the building companies should have better buying power and therefore the prices should be okay; however often buying a section and getting a house designed for that specific section will give you a better result. Unfortunately there is no clear answer – but if budget is an issue and bank finance is required then the house and land pacage is a safer option.

The Question Is A Good One

Of course anyone building has concerns and cost is often at the top of the list.

The building companies have created house and land packages to make things easy, but also they know that these fix a problem for people and of course they are able to make money from them

It is a safe option…but maybe a little more expensive.

Our house and land packageWe Recently Built A House

We recently completed a new build and used a house and land package.

One reason was the fact the building company had the section we wanted, but we also wanted certainty around the cost. A house and land package made this easy and we still had the flexibility to make the changes that we wanted and have specific areas priced with PC Sums d=rather than a fixed cost.

Ultimately the build worked out well, and while we might have saved a few dollars had we project managed ourselves that would have meant a lot of work away from our business. We believe we were better off paying the experts to do what they do while we concentrated on what we do.

Buying A House And Land Package

A mortgage brokers that know how new builds work we are here to help – just ask.




